Innovator of the Year: AAA Efficiency
An energy innovation from Germany with worldwide potential
Climate protection, energy efficiency and sustainability are burning issues concerning the future. But really advanced solutions are not found in prohibitions and price increases, but rather when climate protection finds itself coming together with competitive advantages. As with this innovation from Germany, which generates CO2-neutral electricity from previously unused industrial waste heat: AAA Efficiency is nominated as “Innovator of the Year”.
The possibilities that this new method brings with it is huge. Worldwide, in production plants, industrial plants, in factories or on ships, enormous residual amounts of unused energy dissipate through waste heat into the environment. When summed up, these residual amounts represent a gigantic potential that corresponds to the power production capacity of many existing power plants, which are known to be heavily responsible for CO2 emissions.
An enormous potential

Unprecedented low inlet pressure made available

Essentially a process of heat-energy conversion, which can already be implemented starting from an inlet pressure of 0.5 bar. As a completely unproblematic convertible microgrid (decentralized energy supplier), it converts residual heat into CO2 neutral electricity. The resulting cost efficiency (from 1.35 cents EUR / kWh cost price) and the scalability of the modified technology (10kW to 500kW with input pressure from 0.5 bar) open up fields of application that can soon make a real contribution to the protection of the climate and energy worldwide – simply because they now pay off.
Producing waste from energy – in almost every business

Thanks to the continuous practical research and scientific evaluation of German engineers and scientists, this potential can be raised in the future by virtually every residual heat generator within the operator model of AAA Efficiency – for every imaginable industry on this globe, that now uses its residual heat waste to improve CO2 emissions.
“For the first time it has been made possible to extremely economically produce from ‘low-grade energy’, namely waste heat at a low level, a higher-quality energy, namely electricity. A revolution on the international energy market seems to be taking place”, says Christian Speer, Senior Executive of MMWarburg Bank and Chairman of the Advisory Board of AAA Efficiency AG. This, according to Speer, would affect not only the global industrial sector, but also the shipping industry, which is currently also focusing on its CO2 emissions.
An economic-historical circle closes: the story took its beginning underground
From an idea to innovation and a countable contribution to real climate protection
The technology of AAA Efficiency is a prime example of what inventors and team spirit are capable of. For the AAA Efficiency team of physicists, engineers, technicians and industrial masters from the fields of physics, thermodynamics, power engineering and control engineering years of unremitting research and a belief in contributing to a cleaner world and developing their vision of a more climate-friendly energy recovery has now become reality.
For the pioneering development of a climate-friendly and cost-reducing energy recovery system, AAA Efficiency has been nominated as Innovator of the Year and is eligible for the Audience Award 2019.
- Visit AAA: https://aaaefficiency.net
- Find out more about the Business Price Innovator of the Year 2019 here.
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