1,000 German medium-sized companies awarded with Seal of Excellence
Within the framework of DDW’s company analyses and rankings, the seals “Exzellenzbetrieb Deutscher Mittelstand” (Excellent company German SMEs´) and “Exzellenzberater des Deutschen Mittelstands” (Excellent consultant of German SMEs´) have now been introduced. They are the widely visible signs of entrepreneurial quality and are awarded on the basis of a neutral database.
1,042 small and large companies from all industries have already been identified and labelled by DDW-Research as particularly trustworthy and efficient market players. All of them were able to show the required amount from a number of key figures. Further companies are checked daily.
Additional identification independent of quantitative factors
The recording and evaluation of companies beyond key figures such as turnover or number of employees has already been the basis of many DDW company rankings such as “SMEs 10,000“. With the help of a further 17 criteria – from certifications to the environmental index, from research cooperations to the offer of dual courses of study – the importance and thus the ranking position of a company is determined by means of a scoring index (further background information).
Companies can obtain the seal free of charge
A corresponding test form can be requested from DDW-Research (see below).
Companies that are (already) listed as a company of excellence can order an additional usage package of the seal (see below).
The new seal “Excellent Company” now additionally identifies those companies that combine the required number of appropriate characteristics from a number of significant quality and performance factors – independent of quantitative factors that otherwise determine the rank within the rankings. The globally operating group can be considered an “excellent company” in the same way as a contract manufacturer with few employees – if the criteria are met.
Catalogue of 17 aspects
Together with scientists, business economists and entrepreneurs, a catalogue of 17 aspects was developed. These include basic business management data, patents, cooperations, but also aspects such as the operation of social media accounts or membership in associations or networks.
The criteria themselves are again weighted with scores of 1 – 3. The seal is awarded from a minimum number of points and under consideration of minimum criteria such as the company’s age of at least three years as well as certain key business figures. A different questionnaire was developed for consultants.
“The seals ‘Excellent Company German SMEs’ and ‘Excellence Consultant of German SMEs’ are intended to mark entrepreneurial quality and reliability – within the scope of a reasonable effort for both the companies and for us”, says DDW editor Michael Oelmann. As signposts and support tools, they should facilitate the choice of business partners and employers. Important for the relevance of the new seal is the neutrality of the database: “In times of rampant, often questionable or simply commercial alleged quality seals and tests, the DDW Seal of Excellence is awarded independently and free of charge”, says Oelmann.
The test is carried out as part of the ongoing research of the DDW research team on the corporate landscape. You can find out whether your company is already listed by entering your company name (using the search function in the search window of this portal).
Questionnaire can be requested
Companies can also actively initiate the labelling process. For this purpose, a corresponding questionnaire can be requested and filled out (see below). This corresponds in large parts to the questionnaire of the DDW company rankings, as it is already coordinated with thousands of companies every year. “We cannot and do not want to carry out an overflowing due diligence, but have limited the questionnaire to the essential aspects that can be answered without much effort”, describes Igor Wulf, Head of Research at DDW.
The companies and consulting firms are identified on the respective company pages on the DDW portal. On request, the permanent right of use of the seal for their own communication can be ordered by the companies (see link below).
➥ Apply for an Excellence Examination (Companies)
➥ Apply for an Excellence Examination (Consultant)
➥ Information on Seal use for companies/consultants of excellence
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