Innovator of the Year: Fujifilm

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German industry publication Die Deutsche Wirtschaft has named Fujifilm Europe Innovator of the Year 2019 for its successful transformation process.

The industry publication Die Deutsche Wirtschaft annually presents companies and service providers with its Innovator of the Year award. This year, FUJIFILM Europe GmbH was among those selected innovators. The European arm of the Japanese multi-technology corporation has been headquartered in Duesseldorf/Heerdt for over 50 years. It was honoured for its successful innovation management, with a focus on innovative products and services in the areas of culture, science, technology, industry, the environment and society.

“Imagine Volkswagen stops producing cars in 15 years time. That is the sort of change Fujifilm has been able to master. We have done this with the help of all our colleagues and are very proud and happy with the result”, explains Peter Struik, Managing Director Fujifilm Europe, after having received the award. The successful transformation process, for which the company was able to rely on its technological know-how, is illustrated by the current corporate branding campaign NEVER STOP.

On May 9th 2019, the Innovator of the Year awards were presented at a ceremony at the Business Club (Wirtschaftsclub) Duesseldorf. Michael Oelmann, publisher of Die Deutsche Wirtschaft, Managing Director at Oelmannmedia GmbH, and managing Director and moderator for Das Deutsche Wirtschaftsfernsehen, moderated the event. “We are not simply honouring examples of exceptional innovation, but are trying to encourage companies of all sizes and in all fields to channel the innovative spirit necessary to stay ahead of the curve.” In addition to the 20 companies honoured as Innovator of the Year for meeting change with innovation, the honorary award went to Dr. Wladimir Klitschko. The former heavyweight boxing world champion has done an exceptional job of transitioning from being a professional athlete to an entrepreneur. Today, he teaches his method of challenge management, as part of a degree in CAS Change & Innovation Management which he initiated, at the University of St. Gallen.


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For more information about FUJIFILM Europe GmbH, please visit:

For more information about FUJIFILM Corporation, please visit:


Header Picture: (from left) Peter Struik, Dr. Wladimir Klitschko and Michael Oelmann celebrate at Business Club (Wirtschaftsclub) Duesseldorf.

Picture by Uwe Erensmann/@uepress

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