The ceremony for Innovator of the Year award by the business portal Die Deutsche Wirtschaft took place for the third time in 2019. About 300 guests gathered at the Wirtschaftsclub Düsseldorf and the 20 innovators who had participated this year were selected.
The objective of the economy and innovation award is to honor and celebrate exemplary models of innovative thinking, advanced technology and commendable entrepreneurial approaches. At the ceremony in Düsseldorf on May 9, the innovators of the year were duly celebrated.
Over a period of six months, die Deutsche Wirtschaft had introduced the 20 innovators who had won the prize in 2019. This evening was dedicated to them.
And, of course, to this year’s honorary winner, Dr. Wladimir Klitschko. His second career path as facilitator of the philosophy of life “Challenge Management” and developer of the method “F.A.C.E. the Challenge” exemplifies actively encouraging change.
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