Beiträge in der Kategorie "Best of Germany"

Challenges of the future: how packaging at the Edelmann Group takes its goals

edelmann group

Die Deutsche Wirtschaft TV with an episode in our series on the topic of “Challenges of the future”. How do our companies face the great challenges of digitization, globalization and the changing world of work? We want to discuss this by taking a closer look at a company that knows how this is done: the Edelmann Group from Heidenheim. AsArtikel lesen

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Offices for the jobs of tomorrow

The everyday workspaces keep changing and the economy faces new challenges everyday. With these also the requirements for our offices change. A German family owned business found the answers to these challenges: Sedus Stoll. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren

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“Simplifying safe Bitcoin-payments with Blockchain”

Transfering Bitcoins in a safe way within a click: Blockchain- technology could change the way we communicate and exchange documents as well as fundamentally alter the entire banking world. Michael Mertens, Founder and CEO of Cryotptec, talking about his new solution “Cryptotec Pay” in germany’s Business-TV-Show “wirtschaft aktuell”. More information:   Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie dieArtikel lesen

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The best in Germany: the 10,000 most important medium-sized companies

Which are the strongest medium-sized companies in Germany? Die Deutsche Wirtschaft has determined and analysed the 10,000 most important medium-sized companies. The Germans call it the “Mittelstand” – and the unique structure of Germany’s strong sector of medium-sized companies has become a synonym for technological strength, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit all over the world. In fact, the Mittelstand not only accounts forArtikel lesen

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Aluminium inspires innovation worldwide

The alimex Group set a global standard with the processing of aluminium cast plates. The optimised production process leads to significant advantages, particularly when compared to the rolling process. It is used in the electronics, laser, packaging and optical industry as well as in medical and laboratory technology.   Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.MehrArtikel lesen

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“The trend of using aluminium will continue”

Dr. Philip Grothe presides over alimex, a company that has been among the industry’s leading innovators for decades. The alimex Group set a global standard with the processing of cast plates. In the interview at “wirtschaft aktuell” Dr. Grothe describes the reasons for the increasing use of aluminium worldwide.   Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.MehrArtikel lesen

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Still plenty of scope formore quality: leak testing in production and industry

“Quality made in Germany” – the reputation of our products, which is envied around the world, is worth hard cash. Tested parts and products are easier to sell, create trust and reduce breakdown damage. And yet there is still untapped potential in continuous quality assurance. The key term here is inline EOL leak testing (end-of-line testing). A technical article byArtikel lesen

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Advertising on DDW

We provide your solutions. Directly to the desks of Germany’s decision-makers.                         Networking, giving new impetus, standing up for free enterprise – that is the goal of Germany’s biggest platform for entrepreneurs: DIE DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFT. Via its digital channels, the TV format and the print magazine, this medium gives businessArtikel lesen

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Aluminium’s bright future is in cast plates

The trend away from steel to aluminium continues. Aluminium cast plates and aluminium components are becoming increasingly important as a basis for semi-finished products. There are solid arguments for both developments, not only with regard to costs. Further innovations will reinforce this trend around the world. Written by Dr. Philip Grothe, CEO alimex GmbH Precision in aluminium Companies around the world,Artikel lesen

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The art of making perfect kitchen tools

Whether you to prepare pasta, desserts, cake, salad, steak or fish dishes, the german company GEFU will always provides with the right kitchen utensils. See the video how GEFU finds practical and innovative solutions in order to simplify food preparation and cooking. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren  

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This medium-sized company achieves true globalisation through a clever business model

The world is growing closer and closer together. It is not just news that travel fast around the globe, also products cover increasingly longer distances. As a consequence, medium-sized companies are in worldwide competition, especially when they offer technical solutions for large projects. Finding ways to differentiate oneself from the competition can be a key success factor for a company.Artikel lesen

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