Order the Rankings of the biggest german companies

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Newest database versions from February 2025!

To conquer the german B2B-market in an efficient and solid way, most of the well-known international enterprises trust DDW database solutions. We provide unique access to leading companies, CEOs and owners of middle-sized and family-owned businesses in Germany.

Our databases list the most important market participants of the german economy, coming with all significant information-details, proved in an editorial research process. Beyond that, the permanent observation identifies and marks dynamic growing companies.

Choosing our databases, you have access to market informations of german economy that is renowned as “gold standard”, used as well by nearly all big international advisors and law firms, industry and technology companies like 3 of the Top-5-US-Tech-Companies, research instituts, banks as for any professional marketing use in B2B and entrepreneur-marketing.

What is different?

Our Database Solutions and Rankings offer compilations of company information, which is not available from any other data provider on the market. Furthermore, they are one of the very few primary sources with editorial contributions and proof of information. One of the most important benefits for users is the early-stage-identification of upcoming and fast growing companies that may become important clients in the future, as periodically updates are included with most of the rankings.

How to order

  • Choose from the different data-bases that support your goals best.
  • You can order the rankings and databases as Excel-Lists with the order form below.
  • You will recieve the list within one day. All payment methods are available to you for the invoice.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly +49 2131 / 77 687 -20 or ask for our english whitepaper by writing to rankings@die-deutsche-wirtschaft.de

Trusted by leading companies

Choose your target group

Master-Database DDW is our main Database for all important companies in the German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It contains all of our rankings, in total of 60,000 records, ranked by our exclusive index value. The companies are categorized to each of the above rankings and the Excel-List is coming with all significant information-details of the companies and CEO / owner. Included in the licence for one year is a 1-year-free-Update, that means every new version (approximately 5 version per year) are sent automaticaly. New companies are marked, so they can be continuously added. Price: 5,950 Euro (if extended after one year, then reduced price of 2,950 euros in the following years).  Download example

The list of 2,000 biggest family-owned companies in Germany: brought together to holdings and owner-structure and described with a plenty of details and key figures. Ranked by turnover (starting at around 100 million Euros). Included in the licence for one year is a 1-year-free-update, that means every new version (approximately 5 version per year) are sent automaticaly. Price: 1,750 Euro.  Download example

The 10.000 most important medium-sized companies in Germany: ranked by an exclusive index value including factors like turnover, number of employees, research collaborations, partnerships with schools or universities and association memberships. The range of turnover starts at around 20 Million Euro and is limited at 1 billion Euro. Included in the licence for one year is a 1-year-free-Update, that means every new version (approximately 5 version per year) are sent automaticaly. Price: 2,490 Euro. Download example

“Who is Who of german family-owned Companies” collect the 10,000 most important owner families and CEO of the biggest companies of that kind. The list comes together with all significant information-details of the 5,000 companies on a second sheet, as there are address, segment, turnover, number of employees, descriptions and much more. Price: 2,150 Euro. Download example 

“German middle-sized companies owned by Private Equity and Investors” gives 1,950 companies of this type, coming with all significant information-details of the companies, as there are name, address, segment, turnover, number of employees, descriptions and more. Price: 1,750 Euro Download example

“German World Market Leaders” collect the 1,495  german companies, which are world leaders in their branch. The list is coming with all significant information as there name, address, segment, turnover, number of employees and decriptions of the branch, international share and number of countries where they are active. Price: 1,750 Euro. Download example 

The database “Germany’s companies of the future” is based on a compilation of 50 trend industries and market fields of the future, which is continuously updated with scientific support. This list of trend industries is compared with the database „The Most Important German Companies“ by means of multi-layered data analyses. Among other things, the business activities of the companies, their industry affiliation, the general importance based on the DDW scoring index as well as company key figures such as growth rates are included. The result is the 3,000 companies with the highest score. Download example

Need more information about our Executive Marketing Solutions? Just ask for our Media Facts Whitepaper in english by sending an Email to corporate@die-deutsche-wirtschaft.de

To order the list, please send the following form. You will receive the list by mail within one day.

Service-Number: +49 2131 / 77 687 -20  telefonhoerer

Order Form

    *please fill in

    By sending this formular, I order (please check):

    One-year-licence of The Master-Database DDW with 60,000 records for 5,950 Euros. The order will renewed for another year automatically for the price of 2,950 Euro if not cancelled by mail 4 weeks before ending.

    One-year-licence of Top 2,000 Familiy owned Companies for 1,750 Euros. The order will renewed for another year automatically if not cancelled by mail 4 weeks before ending.

    One-year-licence of The 10,000 most important medium-sized companies for 2,490 Euros. The order will renewed for another year automatically if not cancelled by mail 4 weeks before ending.

    One-year-licence of the Who is Who of german familiy owned companies (10,000 names and 5,000 company profiles) for 2,150 Euros. The order will renewed for another year automatically if not cancelled by mail 4 weeks before ending.

    Unlimited purchase of the 1,950 Investors-owned middle-sized german companies for 1,750 Euros

    One-year-licence of the 1,495 german World Market Leaders for 1,750 Euros

    One-year-licence of the 3,000 Germany’s companies of the future for 1,650 Euros


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    The offer and the invoice are made in the name of Deutsche Wirtschaftsrankings GmbH.
    Thank you for your order.

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