Rankings of German companies
The ranking editors of Die Deutsche Wirtschaft research, update and review the German corporate landscape in a continuous process with the aim of identifying the relevant market players. Here is an overview of the various rankings.
With the interests of transparency and market knowledge in mind, business and cooperation partners can be identified and entrepreneurial achievements recognised. The use of the resulting company databases also allows sales or communication resources to be used efficiently and dynamic companies to be identified at an early stage. The DDW databases represent one of the few original data sources and are regarded as gold standards in their segment.
The data of the DDW rankings are collected on a purely neutral data basis and are continuously updated. Each data set offers in-depth key figures and information on companies and persons acting as well as an editorial classification and description by segment, industry and business activity.
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“The 10.000 middle-sized companies”
The list of the most important medium-sized companies in Germany with a turnover of up to 1 billion euros. Lists companies with a majority German ownership and their subsidiaries.
- Quantity: 10.000 company data sets
- Ranking order: according to DDW scoring index, determined by 19 criteria
- Turnover spectrum: from around 20 million to 1 billion Euros annual turnover
- Delivery method: user license / automatic data update
- Overview
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“Germany´s largest family-owned companies”
The list of the German companies with the highest turnover, majority German owned, merged into holdings / parent companies.
- Quantity: 1.000 / 2.000 / 5.000 company data sets
- Ranking order: by turnover
- Turnover spectrum: from 55 / 125 / 250 million Euro turnover to unlimited
- Delivery method: user license / automatic data update
- Overveiw
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“The Encyclopedia of German World Market Leaders”
The 1.000 world market leaders in Germany with in-depth company figures, description of their products and solutions as well as the countries in which the companies are active.
- Quantity: 1.000 companies
- Ranking order: by turnover
- Turnover spectrum: from around 35 million Euros
- Delivery method: one-time purchase with unlimited use
- Overview
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“The WHO is WHO of german family-owned companies”
The list of the 10.000 most important names in the German family business landscape (owner / CEO) as well as the 5.000 largest family-owned comapnies asscociated with them.
- Quantity: 10.000 name records / 4.600 company data sets
- Ranking order: by turnover
- Turnver spectrum: from 52 million Euro turnover to unlimited
- Delivery method: user license / automatic data update
- Overview
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“Who buys whom”
The list of company transactions in Germany – either the last 500 transactions or the last four years (3.000).
- Quantity: 500 / 3.000 transactions with comprehensive, detailed information
- Ranking order: chronological
- Turnover spectrum: small-, medium- and large enterprises
- Delivery method: one-time purchase with unlimited use
- Overview
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“Germany´s investor-owned companies”
The list of medium-sized companies, which are mainly held by private equity, investors and holding companies.
- Quantity: 1.500 companies
- Ranking order: by turnover
- Turnover spectrum: from around 35 million Euros
- Delivery method: one-time purchase with unlimited use
- Overview
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Basic lists industry / trade / services
These lists draw a cross-section from the master database (see below) for the individual segments industry, trade or services and contain their most important companies from all ranking categories.
- Quantity: available with 1.000, 2.000 or 3.000 companies
- Ranking order: DDW Scoring Index
- Turnover spectrum: from around 40 / 90 / 200 million Euros (depending on selected quantity)
- Delivery method: one-time purchase with unlimited use
- Overview / Order here
“Investor List Germany”
The list of the most important German investors, family offices, asset managers and private equity houses.Die Liste der wichtigsten deutschen Investoren, Family Offices, Vermögensverwalter und Private Equity Häuser.
- Quantity: 1.638 data sets
- Segmentation: asset managers (649), investors (491), private equity houses (196), family offices (113), funds (99), capital management (54) and crowd funding providers (36)
- Delivery method: one-time purchase with unlimited use
- Overview
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“Master Database DDW”
The professional application of the DDW editorial ranking office with all DDW rankings contains more than 30.000 data records. The Master Database contains a main list of company data (respective ranking affiliations are assigned) as well as the Who is Who, Who buys Whom and the Investor List Germany in seperate worksheets. Future new ranking products are also always included automatically. The purchase price represents an approx. 60 percent discount compared to the individual purchase of all rankings.
- Quantity: 17.000 company data records, 1.600 investors, 10.000 names of the Who is Who, 3.000 Who buys Whom transaction informations
- Ranking order: according to DDW scoring index (in the main list)
- Turnover spectrum: from around 25 million Euros
- Delivery method: user license / automatic data update
- Overview
- Order here
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