Heute live aus Davos
Mit einem ausgewählten Programm berichten wir live vom 17. bis 20. Januar auf diesem Portal vom diesjährigen Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.
Das Programm unserer Übertragungen finden Sie untenstehend.
Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017
What Is it to Be Human in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is radically changing how we interact and communicate, and the relationships we build with each other. How are human identities, ideologies, norms and values being reshaped?
Speakers: Tracy Fullerton, Alois Zwinggi, Melanie Joly, Ahmad Iravani, Nicole Schwab, Cheryl Martin, Allen Blue
Can Women Have It All?
Growing evidence shows that reducing the employment gender gap is an important driver of economic growth and has a positive impact on inequality across societies. Yet, in Switzerland, only 15% of mothers are in full-time employment. What new policies and business models can help to get more women into the workforce?
Speakers: Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Maysoun Odeh Gangat, Katherine Garrett-Cox, Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, Cynthia Castro
Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017
Leading in Divided Times
We are living in an era of social fragmentation, economic disruption and generational and political divides. What can leaders do to prevent conflict and bridge these growing differences?
Speakers: Daniel Shapiro, Michaella Rugwizangoga, Peter Maurer, Amre Moussa, Pier Carlo Padoan, Vitaliy Klitschko
New Models for Europe
The UK’s decision to leave the EU, prolonged economic crisis and rising anti-immigrant sentiment are challenging the traditional model of European integration. What alternative models to regional integration could mark the beginning of a new Europe?
Speakers: Ngaire Woods, Jacques de Watteville, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Leonardo Quattrucci,Aurelia Frick
Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017
Leadership beyond Borders: The Afghan Women’s Orchestra “Zohra”
Join this unique performance by the Afghan Women’s Orchestra “Zohra”, a group of 30 brave young women who are the first to learn music in their country in more than three decades, including the country’s first female conductors. They are joined by members of the youth orchestra of the Collège de Genève and demonstrate the power of cross-cultural dialogue through music. This performance launches a tour of Switzerland and Germany.
The session includes a performance, demonstrations and a discussion with the musicians.
Speakers: Ahmad Sarmast, Negin Khpolwak, Zarifa Adiba
Bridging Generational Differences
Life expectancy in Switzerland is one of the highest in the world – and 54% of the Swiss population is older than 40 years. As a consequence of this demographic shift, the younger generation risks living in a world decided by the older generation. How can we bridge the expectations of different generations to create a shared vision for the future?
Dimensions to be addressed:
– New models of intergenerational exchange
– Encouraging the participation of youth in democratic processes
– Leveraging technologies and digital platforms across generations
Speakers: Giannina Caviezel, Keyvan Ghavami, Doris Leuthard, Stephan Klapproth
Freitag, 20. Januar 2017
The Race against Racism
The rise in hate crimes and racial abuse, activist movements like #BlackLivesMatter and a recent survey revealing that half of Europeans fear the arrival of refugees are all signs of societies becoming more divided. With the continued increase in international migration, what will it take to build more pluralism, tolerance and equality into our communities and societies?
Speakers: Maina Kiai, Jim Wallis, Yasmina Filali, William Lacy Swing, Abdullahi Alim
Mental Health Matters
Mental health issues are estimated to cost the Swiss economy around CHF 19 billion, equivalent to 3.2% of GDP per year in lost productivity, healthcare and social spending. What can we do now to mitigate the consequences of mental illness?
Speakers: Philip Campbell, Iris Mauss, Anmol Madan, Matthieu Ricard, Tania Dussey-Cavassini,Alois Zwinggi
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