Die Deutsche Wirtschaft Master-Database

Agenda 2017: “Im digitalen Wandel müssen wir miteinander denken”

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BC Extrusion Holding GmbH company is listed as one of the most important german enterprises. It is ranked as number 6287 in total ranking, number 477 of germanys biggest investor owned companies in Germany.

State of information: January 12th 2020

BC Extrusion Holding GmbH company belongs to the segment Industry. Battenfeld Cincinnati manufactures components and complete production equipment for the production of plastic films, profiles and pipes. BC Extrusion Holding GmbH was founded in 1980.

BC Extrusion Holding GmbH belongs to Nimbus Investment (nl).

Listings of BC Extrusion Holding GmbH in the DDW company rankings:

Trusted business partner “Excellence Made in Germany”: not yet audited.



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